(Es mejor la letra original que la traducción)
It's hard, hard not to sit on your hands
And bury your head in the sand.
Hard not to make other plans
and claim that you've done all you can all along.
And life must go on.
It's hard, hard to stand up for what's right
And bring home the bacon each night.
Hard not to break down and cry
When every idea that you've tried has been wrong
But you must carry on.
It's hard but you know it's worth the fight
'cause you know you've got the truth on your side
When the accusations fly, hold tight,
Don't be afraid of what they'll say.
Who cares what cowards think, anyway.
They will understand one day, one day.
It's hard, hard when you're here all alone
And everyone else has gone home.
Harder to know right from wrong
When all objectivity's gone
And it's gone
But you still carry on
'cause you, you are the only one left
And you've got to clean up this mess
You know you'll end up like the rest,
Bitter and twisted, unless
You stay strong and you carry on.
It's hard but you know it's worth the fight
'cause you know you've got the truth on your side
When the accusations fly, hold tight,
Don't be afraid of what they'll say.
Who cares what cowards think, anyway.
They will understand one day, one day.
'cause you know you've got the truth on your side
When the accusations fly, hold tight,
Don't be afraid of what they'll say.
Who cares what cowards think, anyway.
They will understand one day, one day.
It's hard but you know it's worth the fight
'cause you know you've got the truth on your side
When the accusations fly, hold tight
And don't be afraid of what they'll say.
Who cares what cowards think, anyway
They will understand one day, one day, one day.
Eeeeh, ¡qué maravilla! Jamás había leído la letra para esta melodía, y lo cierto es que es una letra llena de certezas. Aunque... ¡qué pesao este David con las V.O.! Que yo haya tenido que leerme todas esas estrofas en Inglés unas horas después de que el profe me dijera que suspendí (again) el speaking porque no fricatizo suficientemente la uve en "very" y suena como "berry", y, según él, puede provocar confusión; vamos que cuando yo digo "I'm very happy", todos los ingleses entienden "Soy la feliz frambuesa"...Ay, en ocasiones pienso que en vez de vida tengo una peli de Woody Allen.
ResponderEliminarhola oye sabes en que disco viene, es que no la he podido conseguir con letra, solo la he encontrado en videos en youtube y los lyrics pero nunca el archivo en mp3, saluditos